Posted on 9/8/2021

The clutch in your vehicle is a lever that allows for shifting various gears by stopping the spinning of the transmission. A failing or faulty clutch will result in the inability to change from gear to gear, meaning your car won't be able to get you from place to place. If you regard any of the following warning signs in your automobile, you must pay a visit to your trusted professional auto repair shop. The techs at Auto Clinic Care can give you proper diagnostic and repair suggestions. Here are the top three signs that you need clutch repairs: #1: Slipping Gears If your car's transmission slips out of gear or jumps or jerks forward when you shift gears, then it's pretty evident that there's something wrong with your vehicle. Slipping gears are commonly caused by a clutch plate that has been worn down and needs replacement. However, there is also a chance that you may have an oil leak that is dripping onto the clutch plate. Regardless of which scenario, you s ... read more
Posted on 8/6/2021

Whether you're a parent who will be driving your children to school or you're a student planning on commuting by yourself, the beginning of the back-to-school season is usually always hectic. Operating a vehicle in this chaos can be frightening, so it is crucial to prepare yourself as much as possible for the road. From adjusting to a new schedule and figuring out your morning routine, car problems should be the least of your concerns. Here are some essential items we recommend packing in your vehicle to have on hand throughout the school semester: Jumper Cables - Jumper cables are a must-have for any driver at any age. These cables will come in handy if you find yourself in a nonstarting battery situation while at school or any other location away from home. Emergency Contact Phone Numbers - It is essential to have designated numbers such as towing services, auto repair shops, etc., on hand that will be necessary for an emergency, breakdown, or accident. Non-Per ... read more
Posted on 7/4/2021

It can be pretty challenging for most of us to keep our cars looking as new as when we first bought them. This is because not many people have the time, knowledge, and tools to do a deep clean themselves. Instead, it would help if you considered enlisting the service of car detailing. It will help you maintain happiness and confidence whenever you step into your vehicle. Car Detailing Versus Car Wash Is there a noticeable difference between a car wash and car detailing services? The simple answer is: ABSOLUTELY. These two services may sound similar at first, but they are vastly different. The average cost of a car wash (mechanical or at home) can be significantly less expensive. In contrast, the price of a complete, professional auto detail is higher. The process for an average car wash is much more straightforward than a car detail. An average car wash will only include exterior cleaning, exterior washing, drying, and tire cleaning. On the other hand, a typical car ... read more
Posted on 6/8/2021

As a driver, you may not be aware that there is more than 1 type of motor oil that can go into your car. At Auto Clinic Care, we can help you determine whether your vehicle works best with synthetic, semi-synthetic or synthetic blend, or conventional oil. Most of the time, it depends on several factors, including the manufacturer’s requirements, the climate you are in, your driving habits, or the age of your vehicle. The 3 Types of Motor Oil Synthetic: This type of oil is chemically engineered to be more consistent and with fewer impurities. Synthetic oil is recommended for vehicles that demand peak level performance, and it helps improve fuel efficiency and can even escalate a car’s horsepower. Typically, artificial oil costs double to quadruple times more than conventional oil. Additionally, if you live in a territory with extreme winters and/or summers or utilize your vehicle for towing or hauling, synthetic oil may be the preferred type of oil for your ... read more
Posted on 5/17/2021
If you're like many people, you may have been asking yourself, "how often should I change spark plugs?". The first thing you want to do before even thinking about changing a spark plug is to make sure your vehicle's engine has cooled off completely. You can check this by opening the hood of your vehicle and looking inside. Sometimes it is a good idea to use a flashlight to ensure that there is no moisture in the engine. The primary function of a spark plug in a car engine is to ignite the fuel/air mixture to fuel the engine so it starts. As an essential part of a car engine, spark plugs give the extra spark to initiate the fuel/air mixture to ignite to start the car. Spark plug failure can cause car trouble starting as well as trouble parking. The symptoms that you may experience when your car's spark plug fails to work properly are A dripping or smoking engine; difficulty in starting; trouble parking and stalls. It is important to understand that these symptoms ... read more
Posted on 4/16/2021
Every car and every battery experience wear and tear differently, even if they're the same make and model. Your daily driver parked in the garage offers far better preservation for your battery than one parked out in the sun that hasn't moved in months. So when is it time for a new battery? Here are some things to consider and evaluate the next time you go for a drive. Poor Performance While a vehicle's performance involves hundreds of moving parts all working in tandem, there are red flags specific to batteries you should know. Not all of them will warrant a new battery, but they will mean it's time to get your battery properly tested. One of the more frustrating signs is having trouble getting the engine to turn over quickly and consistently. It's no fun having to track down a friend or neighbor to come jump-start your vehicle first thing in the morning. Not so obvious is how well your headlights and and dash lights perform. If you tend to only drive during th ... read more
Posted on 3/12/2021
Brake fluid is one of the essential fluids in your vehicle. It ensures a smooth and comfortable ride. Unmaintained brakes system is among the top mechanical failures that result in car crashes. As such, you must maintain the correct levels and conditions of the fluid to prevent such occurrences. What Does Brake Fluid Do? Brake fluid is the medium through which power gets transmitted to the hydraulic system. It transforms the applied force into pressure and amplifies the braking force. Through the brake fluid, the pressure exerted on the brake pedals transmits through the calipers, to the brake pads, and finally to the brake discs, which stop the wheel from turning. Brake fluid operates under extreme temperatures and pressure to enable the vehicle to come to a stop. Brake Fluid Changes One essential brake fluid maintenance practice is changing. Besides topping up the fluid, constant changes are necessary to ensure that brakes function properly, reducing any possible brake failure cr ... read more
Posted on 2/9/2021

If you suddenly notice that your vehicle's gas mileage is dipping, it is time to do something about it. When your car starts to work harder, you will notice its performance falling off noticeably. While many factors can lead to this, you might want to first look at your fuel injectors. They could be dirty and in need of a serious cleaning. Why Are Fuel Injectors Important? The fuel injectors in your vehicle are part of an interconnected system. They work together with your fuel filter and pump in order to deliver the gas that your engine needs to work correctly. It will spray the right amount of fuel into your vehicle's intake system at the appropriate time. This must take place at a specific angle for the process to work correctly. Fuel injectors help to create a perfect mix of air and fuel. Without this, the engine will not get the proper amount of clean fuel that it needs to work efficiently. This is when you will start to notice the performance dropping off, which will e ... read more
Posted on 1/5/2021
Tire rotation needs to be a part of your car maintenance routine. A tire rotation is performed by switching the front tires with the back tires. This part of your car's maintenance ensures you get the most out of your tires. Here's more about tire rotation and its benefits. Increased Tire Tread Life Driver habits, terrain, and temperature are contributing factors to uneven wear and tear on your tires. Pattern wear can become a problem when your tires turn in the same direction for many thousands of miles. With regular tire rotation, you can help prevent pattern wear and other problems. Enhanced Vehicle Performance There's nothing better than having a vehicle you enjoy driving. If you avoid getting your tires rotated, your car's performance will begin to decline. You will notice the stability of your vehicle and riding comfort also change. Road friction can also be a problem that occurs when your tires are unequally stressed, which i ... read more
Posted on 12/13/2020

If you have ever applied your brakes and either nothing happened immediately or it took a lot more pressure to get your vehicle to slow down, you experienced what is known as "brake fade." Just about every driver has had it happen to them and while in most cases, the result is just a slower stop, in extreme cases, slower responding brakes can cause an accident. Because brake fade is common, understanding the cause and prevention, as well as how to respond if it happens to you is important. Friction is Vital Your vehicle's brake calipers, pistons, pads and rotors work together to create and use friction to reduce vehicle speed as much as it needs to be reduced. When friction is not produced quickly enough or in enough volume, the distance required to slow down increases significantly. Heat The main cause of friction loss is excessive heat. Heat builds when you brake frequently, such as when you are stuck in traffic, or are traveling ... read more