Posted on 1/30/2023

The water pump is in charge of transferring water from the radiator through the engine and back. That keeps your car's engine cool and operating at its best - as a result, everything will run smoothly, maintaining a constant temperature. Your vehicle may experience several serious engine issues when the symptoms of a failing water pump start to appear. Here we will share a couple of them so you are aware and prepared before it gets worse. Coolant Leak Several gaskets and seals make up the water pump, which keeps coolant contained and guarantees a steady flow of coolant from the radiator to the engine. These seals and gaskets will eventually deteriorate, dry out, and crack. When this occurs, coolant will leak from the water pump and fall to the ground, usually near the front and middle of the engine. Contact a mechanic to examine the issue if you notice a coolant leak anywhere on your car, truck, or SUV. Most of the time, it's a water pump leak that can be fixed before it wors ... read more