Posted on 1/19/2022

For most of us, our cars are what gets us from place to place every day. You could call it a special connection (if you will). Like any relationship, there's give and take; to ensure your car continues to provide you with safe, reliable, and efficient rides, why not give your sweet ride some love this Valentine's Day? Below are some ways you can give back to your car: Have your car detailed First and foremost, when was the last time you washed your car? The inside? A great way to kick off the year and show your vehicle some love is by having it detailed. This ensures your vehicle gets carefully cleaned inside and out; you (and your car) will feel brand new again. Check and rotate your tires During this time of year, the pressure in your tires often contracts, causing underinflated tires. As a result, you could experience a drop in your gas mileage and make your tires wear down faster. Regularly measuring your tire pressure, making adjustments, and rotating your tires are al ... read more