Posted on 5/17/2021
If you're like many people, you may have been asking yourself, "how often should I change spark plugs?". The first thing you want to do before even thinking about changing a spark plug is to make sure your vehicle's engine has cooled off completely. You can check this by opening the hood of your vehicle and looking inside. Sometimes it is a good idea to use a flashlight to ensure that there is no moisture in the engine. The primary function of a spark plug in a car engine is to ignite the fuel/air mixture to fuel the engine so it starts. As an essential part of a car engine, spark plugs give the extra spark to initiate the fuel/air mixture to ignite to start the car. Spark plug failure can cause car trouble starting as well as trouble parking. The symptoms that you may experience when your car's spark plug fails to work properly are A dripping or smoking engine; difficulty in starting; trouble parking and stalls. It is important to understand that these symptoms ... read more