Posted on 3/12/2021
Brake fluid is one of the essential fluids in your vehicle. It ensures a smooth and comfortable ride. Unmaintained brakes system is among the top mechanical failures that result in car crashes. As such, you must maintain the correct levels and conditions of the fluid to prevent such occurrences. What Does Brake Fluid Do? Brake fluid is the medium through which power gets transmitted to the hydraulic system. It transforms the applied force into pressure and amplifies the braking force. Through the brake fluid, the pressure exerted on the brake pedals transmits through the calipers, to the brake pads, and finally to the brake discs, which stop the wheel from turning. Brake fluid operates under extreme temperatures and pressure to enable the vehicle to come to a stop. Brake Fluid Changes One essential brake fluid maintenance practice is changing. Besides topping up the fluid, constant changes are necessary to ensure that brakes function properly, reducing any possible brake failure cr ... read more